"Generosity is our privilege because JESUS was first generous towards us."

The Gospel is the ultimate demonstration of God’s generous nature towards mankind. The Bible consistently teaches that God blesses us so that we may bless others.
Isaiah 32:8 | NKJV
"A generous person devises generous things"

Your continued generous giving to general Tithes & Offerings supports the vast variety of ministries, programs and staff that we run.
Along with this, these go toward the operations and day-to-day running and maintenance of New Life Chapel.
It is through your amazing support that we are able to resource staff and a team of volunteers, to carry out the work we do for the Kingdom of God.
Tithes & Offerings
Donations of $2 & over are tax deductible to our Albury Wodonga & Region Community Care (AWRCC) account.
Funds donated to this account support the following areas of ministry and emergency needs:
Food Relief Centre
Schools Breakfast Program
Street Ministry & Food Truck
Christmas Give-A-Gift.
Youth Outreach
Good Friday Outreach

Donations of $2 & over are tax deductible to our New Life Chapel Foundation account. The Foundation Fund supports the following ministries and charities such as:
Teen Challenge Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centre
Youth Alive Victoria
SRE Program & Schools Chaplaincy Support
Halls Creek Indigenous Ministry & Leadership College
98.5 Light FM Radio
Believe PNG
ICEJ (International Christian Embassy Jerusalem)
We have also provided support towards VIC & QLD flood relief, Turkey earthquake relief and recovery as well as relocation and support given to the people of Ukraine.
Foundation Fund
To make a direct deposit to our
Foundation Fund, the details are:
New Life Chapel Foundation
BSB: 063-534
Account: 10468099
To make a direct deposit to AWRCC, the details are:
Albury Wodonga & Region Community Care
BSB: 063-534
Account: 10377277
To make a direct deposit to our general Tithing, the details are:
New Life Chapel
BSB: 063-534
Account: 10012788